PC Build Thursday, April 11, 2024 💵 €783 🔌 270 W

Custom by L0rdra

👍 All compatibility checks passed

We haven't found any compatibility issue, all parts are safe to be used together!

This parts list was created using (IT) pricing and availability. (Change region)
Type Product Seller Price Shipping
CPU Prime
RAM Prime
Graphics Card
NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060 Super
Price not available
- Price not available -
Power Supply +Free shipping
External Drive + €9.99
270 W
Estimated Wattage
Build Total

* Pangoly may earn a commission when you use one of the links to make a purchase. (Disclosure)

Have you found incorrect information on this page? Contact us and we will fix it as soon as possible.
DISCLAIMER: Not all compatibility checks can be done automatically. Some physical restrictions between components, such as RAM / VRM heatsinks or radiators clearances, need to be checked manually.

🚀 Performance

GPU Gaming



100% Ref.:
GeForce RTX 5090

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